Loker PT. Volex Indonesia (3 Posisi)

Lowongan Kerja Volex Indonesia Batam

LOKER HARI INI 13 FEBRUARI 2025 - PT. Volex Indonesia adalah perusahaan manufaktur yang bergerak dibidang produksi kabel dan konektor elektronik. Perusahaan ini memasok perakitan kabel untuk berbagai komponen elektronik, telekomunikasi, pusat data, peralatan media, hingga industri otomotif.

Sejarah Volex Indonesia sudah berkiprah di Indonesia sejak tahun 1992 melalui Volex PLC. Induk perusahaan PT Volex Indonesia adalah Volex, sebuah perusahaan Inggris yang dikenal sebagai pemasok untuk Tesla, perusahaan milik Elon Musk.

Dalam menjalan bisnisnya Volex Indonesia beralamat di Jl. Kw. Industri Sekupang No.18, Sungai Harapan, Kec. Sekupang, Kota Batam. Pabrik di Batam ini merupakan pabrik ketiga PT Volex di Indonesia.

PT. Volex Indonesia BUTUH SEGERA:


Job Description (posisi 1):
  • Check and ensure that all machinery's, tooling and equipment's used are serviceable at all times
  • Ensure that the machinery's are running in accordance to the parameter set and within the desired capacity
  • Service the machine in accordance to the maintenance schedule
  • Reduce machine breakdown
  • Ensure production run smoothly

REQUIREMENTS (posisi 1):
  • Min. Diploma in Electrical/Mechanical Engineering
  • Computer literate MS excel, word, Power Point, graphs would be a plus
  • Experience 1-3 years in the same function
Job Description (posisi 2):
  • Conducts in-process checks on all workstation at stipulated time that the Production Operators.
  • Issue PDR report if non-conformance found
  • Conduct Buy Off and FAI properly on all workstation
  • Reports to Supervisor on discrepancies found on processes and issue
  • Process Discrepancy reports to production
  • Updates and files all inspection records neatly and timely
  • Follow-up on Correctives actions on Processes as instructed by Supervisor

REQUIREMENTS (posisi 2):
  • Min. Senior High School
  • Experience 1-3 years in the same function
  • Can operate measuring equipment (caliper, micro, smart scoop, measuring tape, steel ruler)
  • Able to read Drawing
  • Willing to work in shift

Job Description (posisi 3):
  • Evaluates failure products and component from production and prepare FA reports.
  • Daily check and segregate the failed product to relevant department.
  • Work closely with Engineer on development activities, guideline, issue debug and resolution.
  • Generate extensive failure analysis report.
  • Complete assigned task and work in a timely manner in accordance with requested due dates and internal department goals.

REQUIREMENTS (posisi 3):
  • Min. Diploma in Electrical/Electronic Engineering
  • Knowledge in scattering parameter is preferred.
  • Ability to define problems, data collection and establish the facts.
  • Strong problem-solving skills.
  • Demonstrated ability the data or result in Microsoft office.
  • Fluent in English
  • Experience 1-3 years in the same function

Submit your CV:

Alamat Email Perusahaan:
Email: recruitment.batam@volex.com
only shortlisted candidates will be contacted


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